-<div class="statement-body">
+<div class="statement-body">
<!-- GOAL -->
<div class="statement-section statement-goal">
<div class="statement-rules-content">
- You <em>have</em> to shoot at least <const>1</const> stone per
- turn if you have any left.
- </div>
+ If you have stones, shoot <const>1</const> or more of them.
+ <br>
+ If you don't have stones, shoot <const>0</const> exactly.
+ </div>
- <div class="statement-section statement-expertrules">
+ <div class="statement-section statement-warning">
- <span class="icon icon-expertrules"> </span>
+ <span class="icon icon-warning"> </span>
<span>Rule Evolution</span>
- <div class="statement-expert-rules-content">
- The following points are still ideas in flux, waiting for some
- opinions (leave a comment on the draft submission page!)
+ <div class="statement-warning-content">
+ The following ideas are still in flux, waiting for some
+ opinions. Please drop a word on the
+ <a href="https://www.codingame.com/contribute/view/507070b7925f661e2d2835c14f950b9d157e">
+ contribution's page
+ </a>
+ or
+ <a href="https://forum.codingame.com/t/troll-vs-castles-brainstorm/184827?u=jbm">
+ on the forum
+ </a>
+ <li><s>
+ Is it even worth publishing? can the problem be totally solved?
+ </s></li>
- is it even worth publishing? can the problem be totally solved?
- </li>
- <li>
- More maps? (a map is a road length / initial stones pair)
+ More maps? (a map is a {road length} × {initial stone count} pair)
- leagues? I could conceive the referee being permissive (allow 0 stones thrown) in the first one, and then strict.
+ Leagues? I could conceive the referee being permissive
+ (allow 0 stones thrown) in the first one, and then strict.
+ Off the top of my head:
+ <ol>
+ <li>single small map, cheating is tolerated, boss plays 1</li>
+ <li>the four maps, no cheating, boss plays tit for tat</li>
+ <li>full map continuum</li>
+ </ol>
- fog of war? (see only troll position, not enemy throw/stones left)<br>
- <string>variable</string> for of war? (seeing enemy stones
- is a boolean decided randomly as part of the map?) (or
- seeing enemy stones only when troll is close to us?)
+ Fog of war? (see only troll position, not enemy
+ throw/stones left) Probably not in this game, be it simple,
+ variable (seeing enemy stones is a boolean decided randomly
+ as part of the map) or by distance.
Praise for my artistic skillz
<div class="statement-section statement-protocol">
<span class="icon icon-protocol"> </span>
- <spam>I/O Protocol</spam>
+ <span>I/O Protocol</span>
<div class="statement-protocol-content">
Just read the sample code. You can figure this out.
+ <br>
+ You're currently allowed the default SDK timings. I think it's
+ one second for the first turn and 50 ms then, but don't
+ quote me on this.
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="statement-section statement-expertrules">
+ <h2>
+ <span class="icon icon-expertrules"> </span>
+ <span>Expert rules</span>
+ </h2>
+ <div class="statement-expert-rules-content">
+ <p>
+ The following maps are currently available and randomly yet
+ extremely fairly (you wouldn't believe the effort that went
+ into this) chosen uniformly at random among the following:
+ </p>
+ <table>
+ <tr><th>Road length</th><td>│</td><th>Stones</th></tr>
+ <tr><td>──────────</td><td>┼</td><td>──────</td></tr>
+ <tr><td><const>6</const></td><td>│</td><td><const>15</const></td></tr>
+ <tr><td><const>6</const></td><td>│</td><td><const>30</const></td></tr>
+ <tr><td><const>14</const></td><td>│</td><td><const>30</const></td></tr>
+ <tr><td><const>14</const></td><td>│</td><td><const>50</const></td></tr>
+ </table>
+ <p>
+ You can also override them via game
+ settings <tt>roadLength</tt> and <tt>initialStones</tt>, so
+ long as you remember you won't be choosing them for ranking
+ play.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="statement-section statement-protocol">
+ <h2>
+ <span class="icon icon-protocol"> </span>
+ <span>Change Log</span>
+ </h2>
+ <p>
+ I'm not maintaining the full changelog here anymore as the
+ <a href="https://troll.desast.re/troll.git">game's source
+ repository</a> is now publicly available. I'll just make note
+ of the single latest change, so you can know how far behind you
+ were lagging. Patches welcome, BTW.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ This draft's last change is:
+ <strong>
+ game parameters can be overridden.
+ </strong>
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <div class="statement-story-background">
+ <div class="statement-story"
+ style="position: relative; min-height: min-content">
+ <div class="story-text">
+ <div style="text-align: center">
+ “Trolls simply detest the very sight of dwarves (uncooked).”
+ </div>
+ <div style="text-align: right">
+ — J.R.R. Tolkien, <i>The Hobbit</i>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="story-text" style="margin-top: 4em">
+ <p>
+ Based on an involuntary suggestion by
+ <span class="card" cg-codingamer-card-popup=""
+ userid="user.codingamer.userId">
+ <a class="pseudo"
+ href="/profile/dbfa96e0ac9b77a3db679628f27224ae8509333"
+ title="Zaap38">Zaap38</a>
+ </span>
+ on the #Fr channel. The original appears to be by
+ <a href="http://andre.lovichi.free.fr/teaching/ea/2015-2016/cours/troll/Trolls_et_chateaux.pdf">
+ Romain André-Lovichi
+ </a>.
+ </p>
+ </div>