+ void moveTroll(Dir d) {
+ moveTroll();
+ gameManager.addToGameSummary("Troll " + d.movement);
+ trollMessage.setText(selectTrollMessage(d)).setAlpha(1, Curve.NONE);
+ graphicEntityModule.commitEntityState(0.5, trollMessage);
+ trollMessage.setAlpha(0, Curve.EASE_IN);
+ graphicEntityModule.commitEntityState(1, trollMessage);
+ }
+ void animateTurnCounter() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ turnCounter.setText("T" + _turns + "." + i);
+ // The following line is likely not a bug.
+ graphicEntityModule.commitEntityState((double) i/9, turnCounter);
+ }
+ _turns++;
+ }
+ void drawDebug() {
+ String[] debugModePngs = graphicEntityModule.createSpriteSheetSplitter()
+ .setSourceImage("debug.png")
+ .setImageCount(2)
+ .setWidth(900)
+ .setHeight(150)
+ .setOrigRow(0)
+ .setOrigCol(0)
+ .setImagesPerRow(1)
+ .setName("debug")
+ .split();
+ SpriteAnimation debugMode = graphicEntityModule.createSpriteAnimation()
+ .setImages(debugModePngs)
+ .setX(1920 / 2)
+ .setY(60)
+ .setAnchorX(0.5)
+ .setLoop(true);
+ toggleModule.displayOnToggleState(debugMode, "debug", true);
+ turnCounter = graphicEntityModule.createText()
+ .setAnchorX(0.5)
+ .setAnchorY(0)
+ .setX(1920 / 2)
+ .setY(260)
+ .setStrokeColor(0xff0080)
+ .setFillColor(0xff0080)
+ .setFontFamily("monospace")
+ .setFontWeight(Text.FontWeight.BOLD)
+ .setFontSize(100);
+ toggleModule.displayOnToggleState(turnCounter, "debug", true);
+ animateTurnCounter();
+ }
+ void animateLoss(int x, int y, int size, String message) {
+ int startX;
+ if (x < 1920/2) { startX = 1920; }
+ else if (x > 1920/2) { startX = 1920; }
+ else { startX = 1920 * random.nextInt(2); }
+ Text msg = graphicEntityModule.createText(message)
+ .setX(startX)
+ .setY(1080)
+ .setAnchorX(0.5)
+ .setAnchorY(0.5)
+ .setScaleX(3*random.nextDouble() - 1)
+ .setScaleY(3*random.nextDouble() - 1)
+ .setSkewX(2*random.nextDouble() - 1)
+ .setSkewY(2*random.nextDouble() - 1)
+ .setRotation(4*Math.PI * (1 + random.nextDouble())
+ * (random.nextInt(2) == 0 ? 1 : -1))
+ .setFontSize(0)
+ .setStrokeColor(0xff7f7f)
+ .setFillColor(0xff7f7f)
+ .setFontWeight(Text.FontWeight.BOLD)
+ .setTextAlign(TextBasedEntity.TextAlign.CENTER);
+ graphicEntityModule.commitEntityState(0.25, msg);
+ Curve curve = Curve.ELASTIC;
+ msg.setX(x, Curve.EASE_OUT)
+ .setY(y, Curve.ELASTIC)
+ .setScaleX(1, curve)
+ .setScaleY(1, curve)
+ .setSkewX(0, curve)
+ .setSkewY(0, curve)
+ .setRotation(2*Math.PI * (random.nextDouble() - 0.5), Curve.LINEAR)
+ .setFontSize(size, curve);
+ }
+ void doubleDefeat() {
+ gameManager.addToGameSummary(GameManager.formatErrorMessage("Everybody loses!"));
+ animateLoss(1920/2, 680, 150, "L0SERZ!");
+ }
+ void draw() {
+ gameManager.addToGameSummary("Draw.");
+ animateLoss(1920/2, 680, 200, "DRAW");
+ }
+ String selectTrollMessage(Dir d) {
+ if (random.nextInt(10000) == 0) {
+ return specials[random.nextInt(specials.length)];
+ }
+ int i = random.nextInt(directed.length + isotropic.length);
+ if (i < directed.length) {
+ return directed[i][d.index];
+ }
+ else {
+ return isotropic[i-directed.length];
+ }
+ }
+ String specials[] = {
+ "CG know what they're doing."
+ };
+ String directed[][] = {
+ // movies
+ { "Han shot first", "I am your father", "Greedo shot first" },
+ // everyday life
+ { "tea > coffee", "XXX", "coffee > tea" },
+ { "Marvel > DC", "Disney > 50 shades", "DC > Marvel" },
+ // troll ou incompris ou SJW
+ // gaming
+ { "PC > console", "pong is still\nunequaled", "console > PC" },
+ { "Windows > Linux", "it's all Android anyway", "Linux > Windows" },
+ { "pad > stick", "mouse gaming is lame", "stick > pad" },
+ { "RTS > FPS", "solitaire best game", "FPS > RTS" },
+ { "YT gaming > twitch", "I stream on dailymotion", "twitch > YT gaming" },
+ // programming
+ { "vi < emacs", "I code with Notepad", "emacs > vi" },
+ { "tabs < spaces", "gofmt FTW", "spaces < tabs" },
+ { "LISP is the most\npowerful language", "HTML is a programming language", "Forth is the most\npowerful language" },
+ { "static linking best", "symbolic linking best", "dynamic linking best" },
+ { "NPE > SIGSEGV", "kernel panic", "SIGSEGV > NPE" },
+ { "objects > functions", "it's closures\nall the way down", "functions > objects" },
+ { "GOTO FTW", "COME FROM FTW", "don't use GOTO" },
+ { "Agile > Waterfall", "SCRUM isn't Agile", "Waterfall > Agile" },
+ // Internet
+ { "gmail > github", "copy-paste FTW", "github > gmail" },
+ { "MSIE > Safari", "Opera did it first", "Safari > MSIE" },
+ // CodinGame
+ { "bing > yahoo", "duckduckgo best SE", "yahoo > bing" },
+ { "light theme best", "ascii > graphics", "dark theme best" },
+ { "simulation beats heuristics", "AI is a forest of ifs", "heuristics beat simulation" },
+ { "bruteforce always prevails", "you'll timeout anyway", "algorithms always prevail" }
+ };
+ String isotropic[] = {
+ "Electron apps are the fastest",
+ "Rosebud",
+ "Thanos did nothing wrong",
+ "developers developers developers"
+ };