import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
+import com.codingame.gameengine.core.GameManager;
import com.codingame.gameengine.core.MultiplayerGameManager;
import com.codingame.gameengine.module.entities.GraphicEntityModule;
import com.codingame.gameengine.module.entities.Rectangle;
import com.codingame.gameengine.module.entities.Sprite;
import com.codingame.gameengine.module.entities.SpriteAnimation;
import com.codingame.gameengine.module.entities.Text;
+import com.codingame.gameengine.module.entities.TextBasedEntity;
import com.codingame.gameengine.module.entities.Group;
import com.codingame.gameengine.module.entities.Curve;
import com.codingame.gameengine.module.toggle.ToggleModule;
@Inject private GraphicEntityModule graphicEntityModule;
@Inject ToggleModule toggleModule;
+ enum Dir {
+ LEFT("walks left."),
+ STILL("stands still."),
+ RIGHT("walks right.");
+ String movement;
+ Dir(String mvt) { movement = mvt; }
+ }
class Player {
Model.Player model;
.setX(p0 ? x + 100 : x - 100)
- .setFontSize(75)
- .setFillColor(0x3f3f3f)
+ .setFontSize(80)
+ .setFontFamily("monospace")
+ .setStrokeColor(0xff0080)
+ .setFillColor(0xff0080)
.setAnchorX(p0 ? 0 : 1)
+ toggleModule.displayOnToggleState(stoneReminder, "debug", true);
void updateStoneCounter() {
void animateStones(int stones) {
- String stonesString = new Integer(stones).toString();
+ String stonesString = Integer.valueOf(stones).toString();
stone.setY(castle.getY() - 100);
graphicEntityModule.commitEntityState(0.5, stone);
- graphicEntityModule.commitEntityState(0.25, stoneReminder);
- stoneReminder.setAlpha(1);
- graphicEntityModule.commitEntityState(0.5, stoneReminder);
+ graphicEntityModule.commitEntityState(0, stoneReminder);
void displayMessage(String msg) {
void destroy() {
+ gameManager.addToGameSummary(GameManager.formatErrorMessage("Troll destroys " + nicknameToken + "."));
graphicEntityModule.commitEntityState(0.5, castle);
castle.setX(castle.getX(), Curve.ELASTIC);
castle.setScaleY(-0.2, Curve.EASE_IN);
void startTurn() {
- stoneReminder.setAlpha(0);
graphicEntityModule.commitEntityState(0, stoneReminder);
+ void victory() {
+ gameManager.addToGameSummary(GameManager.formatSuccessMessage(nicknameToken + " wins."));
+ graphicEntityModule.commitEntityState(0.5, avatar);
+ avatar.setScaleX(1.5, Curve.EASE_OUT);
+ avatar.setScaleY(1.5, Curve.EASE_OUT);
+ avatar.setRotation((random.nextDouble() - 0.5) * Math.PI / 18,
+ Curve.ELASTIC);
+ }
+ void throwStones(int stones) {
+ gameManager.addToGameSummary(String.format("%s throws %d stone%s at the troll.", nicknameToken, stones, stones == 1 ? "" : "s"));
+ }
+ void threwMoreStonesThanHad() {
+ gameManager.addToGameSummary(GameManager.formatErrorMessage(nicknameToken + " tried to throw more stones than they had. I'll let it slide for this time. (But not let them throw that much!)"));
+ }
+ void failedToThrowStonesAndShouldHave() {
+ gameManager.addToGameSummary(GameManager.formatErrorMessage(nicknameToken + " tried not throwing any stones. Fixing that for them because I'm in a good mood today."));
+ }
+ void markTimeout() {
+ animateLoss(avatar.getX(), avatar.getY(), 100, "SLOW\nPOKE");
+ }
+ void markIllegal() {
+ animateLoss(avatar.getX(), avatar.getY(), 100, "STUPID");
+ }
+ void markCheat() {
+ animateLoss(avatar.getX(), avatar.getY(), 100, "CHEATER");
+ }
Model model;
Sprite troll;
Text trollPositionGauge;
Player p0 = new Player(), p1 = new Player();
+ Text turnCounter; int _turns = 0;
void init(Model m) {
model = m;
void startTurn() {
+ animateTurnCounter();
private class Pos {
+ int numMountains = random.nextInt(5);
+ while (numMountains --> 0) {
+ final int pngWidth = 366;
+ double scale = 0.5 * (1 + random.nextDouble());
+ int x = random.nextInt(1920 + (int) (scale*pngWidth))
+ - (int) (scale*pngWidth/2);
+ int baseTint = 64 + random.nextInt(128);
+ Sprite mountain = graphicEntityModule.createSprite()
+ .setImage("mountain.png")
+ .setX(x)
+ .setY(680)
+ .setAnchorX(0.5)
+ .setAnchorY(283.0 / 321.0)
+ .setRotation((random.nextDouble() - 0.5) * Math.PI / 1800)
+ .setScaleX(random.nextInt(2) == 0 ? scale : -scale)
+ .setScaleY(scale * (1 + (random.nextDouble() - 0.5) / 2))
+ .setSkewX((random.nextDouble() - 0.5) / 4)
+ .setSkewY((random.nextDouble() - 0.5) / 8)
+ .setTint((baseTint + random.nextInt(16) - 8) * 0x010000
+ + (baseTint + random.nextInt(16) - 8) * 0x0100
+ + (baseTint + random.nextInt(16) - 8) * 0x01);
+ graphicEntityModule.createSprite().setImage("mountaintop.png")
+ .setX(mountain.getX())
+ .setY(mountain.getY())
+ .setAnchorX(mountain.getAnchorX())
+ .setAnchorY(mountain.getAnchorY())
+ .setRotation(mountain.getRotation())
+ .setScaleX(mountain.getScaleX())
+ .setScaleY(mountain.getScaleY())
+ .setSkewX(mountain.getSkewX())
+ .setSkewY(mountain.getSkewY());
+ }
int numTrees = random.nextInt(21);
ArrayList<Pos> poss = new ArrayList<Pos>(numTrees);
while (numTrees --> 0) {
- void moveTroll() {
+ private void moveTroll() {
graphicEntityModule.commitEntityState(0.5, troll, trollPositionGauge);
int x0 = p0.castle.getX(), x1 = p1.castle.getX();
int y0 = p0.castle.getY(), y1 = p1.castle.getY();
+ void moveTroll(Dir d) {
+ moveTroll();
+ gameManager.addToGameSummary("Troll " + d.movement);
+ }
+ void animateTurnCounter() {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ turnCounter.setText("T" + _turns + "." + i);
+ // The following line is likely not a bug.
+ graphicEntityModule.commitEntityState((double) i/9, turnCounter);
+ }
+ _turns++;
+ }
void drawDebug() {
String[] debugModePngs = graphicEntityModule.createSpriteSheetSplitter()
SpriteAnimation debugMode = graphicEntityModule.createSpriteAnimation()
.setX(1920 / 2)
- .setY(80)
+ .setY(60)
toggleModule.displayOnToggleState(debugMode, "debug", true);
+ turnCounter = graphicEntityModule.createText()
+ .setAnchorX(0.5)
+ .setAnchorY(0)
+ .setX(1920 / 2)
+ .setY(260)
+ .setStrokeColor(0xff0080)
+ .setFillColor(0xff0080)
+ .setFontFamily("monospace")
+ .setFontWeight(Text.FontWeight.BOLD)
+ .setFontSize(100);
+ toggleModule.displayOnToggleState(turnCounter, "debug", true);
+ animateTurnCounter();
+ }
+ void animateLoss(int x, int y, int size, String message) {
+ int startX;
+ if (x < 1920/2) { startX = 1920; }
+ else if (x > 1920/2) { startX = 1920; }
+ else { startX = 1920 * random.nextInt(2); }
+ Text msg = graphicEntityModule.createText(message)
+ .setX(startX)
+ .setY(1080)
+ .setAnchorX(0.5)
+ .setAnchorY(0.5)
+ .setScaleX(3*random.nextDouble() - 1)
+ .setScaleY(3*random.nextDouble() - 1)
+ .setSkewX(2*random.nextDouble() - 1)
+ .setSkewY(2*random.nextDouble() - 1)
+ .setRotation(4*Math.PI * (1 + random.nextDouble())
+ * (random.nextInt(2) == 0 ? 1 : -1))
+ .setFontSize(0)
+ .setStrokeColor(0xff7f7f)
+ .setFillColor(0xff7f7f)
+ .setFontWeight(Text.FontWeight.BOLD)
+ .setTextAlign(TextBasedEntity.TextAlign.CENTER);
+ graphicEntityModule.commitEntityState(0.25, msg);
+ Curve curve = Curve.ELASTIC;
+ msg.setX(x, Curve.EASE_OUT)
+ .setY(y, Curve.ELASTIC)
+ .setScaleX(1, curve)
+ .setScaleY(1, curve)
+ .setSkewX(0, curve)
+ .setSkewY(0, curve)
+ .setRotation(2*Math.PI * (random.nextDouble() - 0.5), Curve.LINEAR)
+ .setFontSize(size, curve);
+ }
+ void doubleDefeat() {
+ gameManager.addToGameSummary(GameManager.formatErrorMessage("Everybody loses!"));
+ animateLoss(1920/2, 680, 150, "L0SERZ!");
+ }
+ void draw() {
+ gameManager.addToGameSummary("Draw.");
+ animateLoss(1920/2, 680, 200, "DRAW");